What Shakespearean play influenced The Voyage of the Dawn Treader? Where would you find minarets like those in The Horse and His Boy? What does "Turkish Delight" taste like? Step through the wardrobe with Further Up and Further In and find out!
This extensive study is based on C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia. As an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the seven Narnia books, Further Up and Further In focuses on English, literature, history, social studies, geography, Bible, character building, cooking, and art. It supplements science and history.
Each of the Narnia books is covered in four weeks, leaving eight weeks at the end of the study for completing longer activities and collateral studies.
With over 350 pages, Further Up and Further In is the most self-contained of the Cadron Creek unit studies. A variety of helpful Appendices at the end of the study make the task of teaching easier. The "Recommended Reading Appendix" has background information and reprints of classic poems, short stories, and fables. The works of authors as diverse as Aesop, Jack London, William Shakespeare, and Robert Louis Stevenson are included. A detailed "Activity Index" contains recipes and directions for projects. There are three different recipes for Turkish Delight (Edmund's favorite sweet), directions for making a turban, and games a young prince or princess would play. The "Subjects Covered" list organizes topics covered under subject headings for quick reference. The "Answer Appendix" and "Resource Appendix" make answers to unit questions and sources available to each instructor/parent. Both Appendices and Units give Internet sites and search tools to assist students in finding information on the Web.
Adventurers who read at a fourth to eighth grade level will benefit most from this study, but it is easily adapted for anyone who is not too old to expand his or her horizons.
The seven books in The Chronicles of Narnia will need to be purchased separately. While the 1995 printing of the Scholastic edition is referenced, other editions can be used as well.
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